New aquaculture proposal in the Firth of Thames

August 31, 2023
Gulf Users' Group

The Waikato Regional Council has granted a resource consent to farm kingfish within three farm blocks in the Coromandel Marine Farming Zone (CMFZ), with each block being 15.4 hectares in area. Additionally, the Council has granted resource consent to farm mussels (including the catching of spat), sea cucumbers, sponges, kelp, algae, and seaweed within two farm blocks in a total area of approximately 15 ha of the CMFZ. See the Fisheries NZ consultation document for the location of the proposed marine farm - available HERE.

Before the final aquaculture decision is made, Fisheries New Zealand is seeking information from fishers on how the proposed aquaculture activities may affect their fishing.  Submissions are invited from people whose customary, recreational, or commercial fishing may be affected by the proposed marine farm.

The closing date for submissions is 5pm on 12 September 2023.

Depending on the outcome of the aquaculture decision, the Council will then confirm, amend, or decline the coastal permit.

An aquaculture decision (the undue adverse effects or UAE test) is where Fisheries New Zealand assesses whether the proposed aquaculture activity would have an undue adverse effect on fishing. An adverse effect means to restrict access for fishing or to displace fishing. See Fisheries NZ Fact Sheet for information about the undue adverse effects test on fishing for marine farming areas, available HERE

A proposed marine farm cannot proceed if it would have ‘undue’ adverse effects on recreational or customary fishing, or commercial fishing for non-quota management system (QMS) stocks. Fishing means the catching, taking, or harvesting of fish, aquatic life, or seaweed.

Making your submission

The closing date for submissions is 5pm on 12 September 2023.

Email your submission to

An email is preferred, or you can post your submission to:

Aquaculture and Fisheries Permitting
Verification and Operations
Fisheries New Zealand
Private Bag 14
Nelson 704.


Fisheries NZ: Aquaculture decision for a proposed marine farm in the Coromandel Marine Farm Zone

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